강릉에서 진행하는 명주인형극제 10주년의 포스터 디자인을 진행하였습니다.
명주인형극제의 마스코트인 시리와 마리를 스내빗만의 스타일로 해석하여 메인포스터는 용궁의 컨셉으로
서브포스터는 어렸을때 오려서 가지고 놀던 종이인형을 컨셉으로 다양한 모습의 시리와 마리를 디자인하였습니다.
We designed a poster for the 10th anniversary of the Myeongju Puppet Festival in Gangneung.
By interpreting Siri and Marie, the mascots of the Myeongju Puppet Festival, in Snabbit's own style, the main poster is a dragon palace concept
Sub-posters designed various shapes of Siri and Marie with the concept of paper dolls that they played with when they were young.
By interpreting Siri and Marie, the mascots of the Myeongju Puppet Festival, in Snabbit's own style, the main poster is a dragon palace concept
Sub-posters designed various shapes of Siri and Marie with the concept of paper dolls that they played with when they were young.